How to help.

We hope that the information given in the website has been very useful and you are considering helping by participating in the gospel (Phil. 1:5). By financially helping us, we can focus our work fully in the Czech Republic. Regardless of whether you can or cannot help, please pray for our mission endeavors.

  • Check

    The most traditional, but still effective method to send us funds would be to make a check out to the “Port Charlotte church of Christ” with “Orellana Czech Mission” in the memo.

    Accompanied with this, the Port Charlotte elders would like our supporters (both one-time and monthly) to send a letter containing contact information and planned amount of support in order to track our support, but also to build a relationship with those that support us. Please send checks and contact info to:

    20484 Midway Boulevard, Port Charlotte, FL 33952

  • Bill Pay

    No checks? No problem! Bill pay is a service that most banks have which allow an account holder to send checks by mail from the bank itself. Originally it was meant for those without checks to pay bills by sending checks to businesses that prefer checks, but it can also be easily used to send contributions through the mail. Best part of all, it is usually a free service, so no fees like online methods.

    Learn about using your bank’s “Bill Pay” option.

  • Online

    Online donation is now available through PayPal. You can give a one-time donation or set up monthly giving (requires PayPal account). We ask that you provide your email so our sponsoring congregation can send you relevant tax information. Funds will first go through our congregation, and then it will come to us like the other methods. We ask you to please send contact information and your planned support to Tim Simmons (

    IMPORTANT: when donating select ORELLANA CZECH MISSIONS from the dropdown menu